The proposed redevelopment will assist in optimizing the use of existing infrastructure and public services facilities within the surrounding area.

Compact, Mixed Use, Transit Supportive Development

The PPS encourages compact, mixed-use development throughout the document (1.1.1 b, 1.1.2,,, 1.3.1 c,, and 1.8.1 a & e). The PPS builds on this policy direction by encouraging development that supports transit and active transportation ( a, 1.8.1 b) and minimizes the length and number of vehicle trips (

The proposed mixed-use development is considered to be transit supportive and is consistent with the polices highlighted above.

Long-Term Economic Prosperity

The PPS encourages economic prosperity be supported by providing housing options for a diverse workforce, maintaining and enhancing the vitality and viability of mainstreets, encouraging a sense of place, conserving built heritage resources, and promoting brownfield redevelopment (1.7.1).

The proposed redevelopment would expand the supply of small multiple dwelling units, conserve and enhance existing built heritage resources, redevelop a brownfield site, and add residential and commercial uses to the University Avenue West corridor.

Energy Conservation, Air Quality, and Climate Change

Section 1.8.1 requires land use and development patterns that promote compact form, active transportation, transit, and mix of uses that minimize commuting and transportation congestion. The proposed redevelopment is well positioned to implement this policy direction, particularly with respect to minimize commuting to Downtown and the University of Windsor.

Cultural Heritage and Archaeology

Policy 2.6.1 requires that significant built heritage resources be conserved. The proposed redevelopment would retain and reuse the existing buildings, which are listed on the Municipal Heritage Register. Policy 2.6.2 prohibits site alteration on lands containing archaeological resources. The owner has completed an archaeological assessment of the property to ensure consistency with this policy.

Brownfield Remediation

The PPS requires that sites with contaminants be assessed and remediated prior to activity on the site associated with the proposed use (3.2.2). The applicant must file a Record of Site Condition with the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and