Z 019/20 [ZNG-6162] Comment Summary



Building Department

The Building Code Act, Section 8.(1) requires that a building permit be issued by the chief building official for any construction or demolition of a building. It is strongly recommended that the owner and/or applicant contact the Building Division to determine building permit needs for the proposed project. The City of Windsor Building Division can be reached by phone at 519-255-6267 or through email at buildingdept@citywindsor.ca

Engineering Department – Right-of-Way Division

Sewers - The site may be serviced by a 375mm x 500mm brick combined sewer within the McEwan Avenue right-of-way. Based on the site plan provided, reuse of the existing connections is being proposed. Any redundant connections shall be abandoned in accordance with the City of Windsor Engineering Best Practice B.P 1.3.3. Due to the new proposed parking spaces, drainage and lot grading should be considered, demonstrating that the parking areas are drained to private property.

Right-of-Way - The Official Plan classifies McEwan Avenue as a Local Road, requiring a right-of-way width of 20m. The current right-of-way is 18.3m; therefore, a land conveyance for 0.85m is required, but not being requested at this time. The proposed alley access is not supported, as it appears to be in disrepair and snow removal services are not provided within alleys. In the event that the alley is used, the owner will be required to contribute to the City of Windsor’s alley maintenance fund in the amount of $1000.00.

The Right-of-Way Division has concerns with the proposed use of the alley for access as well as drainage on this site. In the event that this application does not proceed to Site Plan Control, it is recommended that the applicant be required to pay the alley contribution as well as address lot grading.

ENWIN Utilities

Hydro Engineering: No Objections to Re-zoning

Water Engineering: Has No Objections

Windsor Fire & Rescue Services

No concerns.

Heritage Planner


There is no apparent built heritage concern with this property and it is located on an area of low archaeological potential.

Nevertheless, the Applicant should be notified of the following archaeological precautions:


Should archaeological resources be found during grading, construction or soil removal activities, all work in the area must stop immediately and the City’s Planning & Building Department, the City’s Manager of Cultural Affairs, and the Ontario Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries must be notified and confirm satisfaction of any archaeological requirements before work