1223-1233 University Ave West is a property that appears to have been developed over eighty to ninety years ago with a 2 storey building located at the corner of Wellington Ave and University Ave. The building has a historical 1920-1930’s commercial profile.

Referencing the pictures below, the existing structure (middle and right buildings) was once a neighbourhood commercial building with commercial main floor and has existed with residential apartments above the commercial uses.

FIGURE 3 – BUILDING ELEVATION: 1223-1233 University Ave W.

Proposed is the conversion of the commercial main floor and 4 residential apartments above to an adaptive re-use with 3 residential apartments on the main floor, 4 residential apartment units on the second floor, and 1 new apartment in the basement for a total of 8 residential units in the existing structure.

The present low-profile height of the building will not be modified, there will not be any exterior additions and the building is proposed to remain Low Profile. There will be some exterior improvements to clean and repair brick work and a replacement of the front windows and doors of the facility. The heritage features of the historical commercial profile will be maintained without change. As well, the access to the units will not be reconfigured to remove the capability to convert the main floor to commercial in the future should commercial rentals become viable. Please refer to elevations.

As a mixed use building with commercial use on the main floor, the building was built to the full extent of the property lines as a typical design of commercial development in the