1920’s. The building siting has eliminated the ability to add additional units to the exterior of the building. The maximum unit count will consist of the exiting 4 residential units on the 2nd floor, the 3 new residential units on the main floor, and 1 new apartment in the basement for a total of 8 residential units.

The building was constructed to the extent of the property lot lines. There never has been on-site parking associated with the 4 residential apartments and the main floor commercial. In accordance with Section Required Parking Spaces – Business Improvement Areas and other defined areas, the subject property does not require parking for the commercial on the main floor. There are no minimum requirements for commercial uses for this property in the CZB 8600.

Parking for the commercial uses were on-street to the front on University Ave or around on Wellington Ave. (please refer to FIGURE 4 – BIKE PARKING LOCATION). The proposed conversion of the main floor commercial to residential use will reduce the amount of parking required to accommodate the residential uses in the building.

The re-adapted building will be consistent with existing buildings along University Ave in this neighbourhood and will protect the historical streetscape of other existing buildings that also do not have on-site parking. The historically existing buildings are created as a unified streetscape as a pedestrian friendly neighbourhood. Other existing University Ave buildings in this neighbourhood do not have on-site parking provided and utilize on-street parking or parking in shared municipal parking facilities.

The City of Windsor Council sees the merits in providing resources and has taken strides to expand additional bike and multi-purpose trails throughout the municipality in support of alternative modes of transportation to the car such as biking and walking. The subject property is located on the University Ave bike trail, a significant connected bike trail in the City.

To support tenants who use alternative modes of transportation to the car and to promote the healthy community initiatives, 17 bike parking spaces on-site will be provided for both tenants and for visitors (please refer to attached FIGURE 4 – Bike Parking).