The purpose of this amendment is to allow first floor dwelling units on the subject land by providing a site specific policy direction which permits “small scale Low Profile residential development” and “residential uses at grade level” as additional permitted use within the existing building on the subject property designated Mixed Use Corridor in the Schedule D: Land Use of the City of Windsor Official Plan Volume I.


The amendment applies to the land generally described as PLAN 683 W PT LOT 1 ROW; OVER S PT LOT 9; located South of University Ave W and West of Wellington Ave, and municipally known as 1223-1233 University Ave W.

Ward: 3

Planning District: RiverWest (formerly University)

ZDM: 3


The subject land is designated Mixed Use Corridor in the Schedule D: Land Use of the Official Plan, Volume I. The proposed dwelling units on the main floor and small scale low profile residential development are not listed as permitted uses or permitted ancillary uses in the subject land use designations.

The applicant proposes to maintain the existing land use designations of the subject land and add a site specific policy to allow “small scale Low Profile residential development” and “residential uses at grade level” as additional permitted use on the subject property. The existing building will be utilized only for residential purposes. Proposed changes will take place within the building with no alteration to the facade of the building or the site.


I. THAT Schedule “A: Planning Districts and Policy Areas” of Volume 1: The Primary Plan of the City of Windsor Official Plan BE AMENDED by applying a Specific Policy Area to W PT Lot 1 ROW; Over S PT Lot 9, Registered Plan 683, known municipally as 1223 – 1233 University Ave W

II. THAT Section 1 of Volume 2: Secondary Plans & Special Policy Areas of the City of Windsor Official Plan BE AMENDED by adding a Special Policy Area as follows:

1.48 South Side of University Ave W, West of Wellington Ave

1.48.1 The property described as W PT Lot 1 ROW; Over S PT Lot 9, Registered Plan 683, known municipally as 1223 – 1233 University Ave W is designated Mixed Use on Schedule A: Planning Districts and Policy Areas in Volume 1: The Primary Plan;