The applicable PPS sections promote the vitality of the existing settlements recognizing the importance of long term prosperity of these communities while minimizing the unnecessary public expenditures.

In my opinion, the proposed development is an efficient re-use of an existing building and promotes a healthy, liveable and safe community. The recommended amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning By-Law 8600 make sound planning being consistent with the above sections of the PPS.


Applicable Official Plan Sections:

Applicable OP Sections can by found in detail in the Appendix C of this report.

The Official Plan, Schedule D: Land Use designates the subject land as “Mixed Use”. The “Mixed Use” areas provide the main location for compact clusters of commercial, office, institutional, open space and residential uses. These areas are intended to serve as the focal point for the surrounding neighbourhoods, community or region.

As per section “Permitted Uses”, in the “Mixed Use” land use designation include retail, commercial, offices, and residential uses exclusive of small scale Low Profile residential development.

Chapter 2 “Glossary” of the Official Plan defines small scale forms as multiplexes with up to 8 units.

As per section “Form of Mixed Use Areas”, further describes Mixed Use is a land use designation that is further classified as follows: mixed use corridor and mixed use centre. Mixed Use Corridors such as University Ave as linear street frontages with commercial, institutional and open space uses located immediately adjacent to the public right-of-way and residential uses located above grade.

The current Mixed Use land use designation recommends large scale form building with more than 8 units and residential uses located above grade while maintaining the commercial uses on the main floor. The subject building with a total of 8 units is a low profile residential are not permitted in the “Mixed Use” land designation. Also the subject development proposes residential uses at grade that are not permitted.

As per Planning Justification Report (see Appendix I) submitted with the application, the subject building is existing and has been built to the lot line at University Ave with a lane at the back of the building. The building is on an established frontage with other buildings along University Avenue.

The applicant indicated that there is a right-of-way easement for both lots allowing access to the subject land over the abutting property to the east at 1201 University Ave.