The proposed changes within the existing building as shown in the Appendix F Existing and Proposed Floor Plans will accommodate 8 units - 1 units short of the number of units recommended by the Official Plan. The building is historically existing with residential on the second floor and commercial on the main floors. The main floor commercial units have been vacant for a number of years. Therefore, the applicant is requesting the conversion of 3 commercial units to 3 residential units on the main floor along with an additional unit in the basement to create a total of 8 residential units as an adaptive re-use within a long-time established building.

The proposed development is consistent with the following policies of the Official Plan:

As per Chapter 3 Development Strategy, Section Permitted Uses and Section Locational Criteria, the Official Plan encourages a variety to housing types located within the urban settlement area and in proximity of existing infrastructure and amenities. The availability of various housing types also allows residents to live in the same community at any stage of their life.

The subject property is located within the City of Windsor in close proximity to University of Windsor, St Clair College (downtown campus). A regional parkland, the International Gardens are located in close proximity to the subject property. This location has access to full municipal services, an arterial road and transit/bike lanes. The adaptive re-use of the existing building stock providing people with a variety of housing types.

As per Section Reduced Parking Requirements, Council may decide that Mixed Use development may benefit of parking standards that reflect available transit or close-by parking.

As per Planning Justification Report (see Appendix I) submitted with the application, the current site configuration does not allow for off-street parking. The applicant will advertise the newly created units as no-parking dwellings targeting students or non driving residents or transit users (available buses on University). Bike Racks will be provided on site for both visitors and tenants. On street parking is available on Wellington and University.


The Zoning Bylaw 8600 designates the zoning for the subject property as ‘Commercial District 2.2 (CD 2.2). The Bylaw indicates that the permitted uses include as dwelling units in a combined use building with other uses such as offices, retail stores and restaurants.

The requested by-law amendment will establish a regulatory framework that will allow dwelling units on both floors to be the only use in the existing building with no parking on site.