City of Windsor – Transport Terminal Land Use Study – 2020 November 16

Actions – Immediate Implementation

The following Actions will be included for implementation via an amending by-law to the Zoning By-laws that will be expanded on in an accompanying report to City Council:

ACTION 1: That the Official Plan BE AMENDED to provide further policy direction regarding additional locational criteria for a Transport Terminal that:

  1. encourage adjacency to the truck route network, including any long combination vehicle routes;

  2. discourage direct access to major commercial corridors to minimize traffic, noise, and dust conflicts and issues;

ACTION 2: That the MD1.1, MD1.2, MD1.4 and MD1.5 zoning districts BE AMENDED by deleting all references to Transport Terminal as a prohibited as a main use or permitted as an accessory use and by adding Existing Transport Terminal as a permitted use. Consideration may be given to specific parcels or areas where a Transport Terminal shall be permitted as a main use provided the Transport Terminal is consistent with existing planning policy in the PPS and OP, and with the additional policy proposed in Action 1.

ACTION 4: That the MD1.3 and MD1.8 zones BE RECLASSIFIED to an appropriate MD2 zone to reflect their more transport-intensive and industrial uses.

ACTION 5: That the Transport Terminal provisions in B/L 8600 and B/L 85-18 BE AMENDED as follows:

  1. That the requirement for a berm along an exterior lot line be deleted;
  2. That for a transport storage area the setback from the front lot line shall be a minimum of the required front yard depth of the zoning district, or 6.0 m, whichever is greater.

  3. That for a transport storage area, where an exterior lot line is located with 50.0 m of a development reserve district, green district, residential district, institutional district, or a lot containing a dwelling or dwelling unit, the setback from the exterior lot line shall be a minimum of 11.30 m and said setback shall consist of a berm with a minimum width of 11.30 m and a minimum height of 1.80 m, otherwise the setback from the exterior lot line is 3.0 m

  4. That for a transport storage area, where an interior lot line is located with 50.0 m of a development reserve district, green district, residential district, institutional district, or a lot containing a dwelling or dwelling unit, the setback from the interior lot line shall be a minimum of 11.30 m and said setback shall consist of a berm with a minimum width of 11.30 m and a minimum height of 1.80 m, otherwise the setback from the interior lot line is 0.90 m.

ACTION 7: That B/L 8600 and B/L 85-18 BE AMENDED by adding a minimum lot width of 43.0 m and a minimum lot area shall be 3,200.0 m2 for a Transport Terminal.

ACTION 11: That Administration REVIEW motor vehicle definitions and gross vehicle weight ratings (GVWR) in various municipal by-laws to ensure they are consistent with provincial policies and regulations and AMEND the affected municipal by-laws through the appropriate amendment process.