City of Windsor – Transport Terminal Land Use Study – 2020 November 16

Actions – Further Review, Other Departments, and/or Budget Implications

The following Actions require further review, have budget considerations, require the approval of other documents or completion of other studies before they can be completed, or are the responsibility of another municipal department:

ACTION 3: That the City Planner REVIEW the range of uses permitted and prohibited in the MD1, MD2, and M1 zones to ensure consistency with the Provincial Policy Statement and Official Plan, rationalize and reclassify the zones to be indicative of the nature of the zone and minimize duplication.

ACTION 6: That the City Planner REVIEW best practices for the dimensions of a loading space and AMEND B/L 8600 and B/L 85-18 to use a single standard dimension for a loading space.

ACTION 8: That Site Plan Control By-law 1-2004 BE AMENDED to deem the construction or expansion of a Transport Terminal and/or Transport Storage Area as a development subject to site plan control.

ACTION 9: That Transportation Planning UPDATE the Truck Route network to consider existing and planned truck-intensive uses and establish appropriate criteria to review future requests for deletions, revisions, and additions to the truck route network.

ACTION 10: That Transportation Planning DEVELOP a review process to pre-determine appropriate Long Combination Vehicle routes that are consistent with Ontario Ministry of Transportation requirements.

ACTION 11: That Administration REVIEW motor vehicle definitions and gross vehicle weight ratings (GVWR) in various municipal by-laws to ensure they are consistent with provincial policies and regulations and AMEND the affected municipal by-laws through the appropriate amendment process.