h) promoting development and land use patterns that conserve biodiversity; and


The building exists on full connections to municipal infrastructure and public services. The adaptive re-use of the existing building will ensure there is no impact to the existing biodiversity within the neighbourhood.

i) preparing for the regional and local impacts of a changing climate.”


The proposed OPA and ZBA will provide for the adaptive re-use of an existing building.

The building is located within a mixed use neighbourhood providing services and commodities within walking distance to the apartment units.

The existing building is located on University Ave on a City of Windsor transit bus route and on a municipal bike trail. The land owner will be providing 17 bike parking spots, supporting the biking community in the City.

In my professional opinion the proposal considers the changing climate by reducing the dependence on the vehicle while supporting walking, biking and healthy community initiatives of the City and Province.

“Section Land use patterns within settlement areas shall be based on:

Land use patterns within settlement areas shall be based on densities and a mix of land uses which:

a) efficiently use land and resources; 


In my professional opinion, the proposed development efficiently uses the existing residential lands and municipal infrastructure to provide for needed residential apartment units.