In my professional opinion, the proposed development efficiently uses the existing municipal infrastructure to provide for needed residential apartment units without unnecessary and uneconomical expansion of services.

c) minimize negative impacts to air quality and climate change, and promote energy efficiency;


Parking is not available on site. With the additional units proposed, there will be no provision of onsite parking for the 8 residential apartments. The adaptive re-use of the building for 8 residential units located on a major bus route and trail will encourage the use of the bike and support municipal transit, bike and walking initiatives. The location of the development and the design features of the site supports and promotes energy efficiencies and will support positive impacts on air quality.

d) prepare for the impacts of a changing climate;


The adaptive reuse of existing infrastructure reduces unnecessary rebuild of an existing, sound building. The re-development will allow for the utilization of a previously under utilized building and vacant units, supporting the reduction of climate change impact.

e) support active transportation;