The subject property is presently designated ‘Mixed Use’ in the Official Plan for the City of Windsor. The following sections review policies as they relate to the request for the conversion of 3 commercial units to 3 residential units on the main floor and the inclusion of 1 residential unit in the basement to establish 8 residential units as an adaptive re-use within a long-established building.

“ Section 2 Glossary;

DEVELOPMENT PROFILE refers to the height of a building or structure. There are four development profiles described in the Plan:

(a) Low Profile development is a building or structure generally no greater than fourteen (14) metres in height. Low Profile Housing development is further classified as follows; (i) small scale forms: single detached, semi-detached, duplex, and row and multiplexes with up to 8 units; and (ii) large scale forms: buildings with more than 8 units;”


The existing building profile consists of a two storey building with 4 residential units on the second floor and 3 commercial units on the main floor. The building is not capable of accommodating more than 4 residential units on the second floor, 3 main floor residential apartments, and 1 basement apartment.

The existing building limits the number of units in the building to 8 with the scale of the structure to a low profile, small scale form.

"Section 2 Glossary;


Mixed Use is a land use designation that is further classified as follows: (a) Mixed Use Corridor occupies linear street frontages with commercial, institutional and open space uses located immediately adjacent to the public right-of-way and residential uses located above-grade;”