October 13, 2020
Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Item 7.4
Additional Information

From: Cheryl Burr

Sent: Friday, October 2, 2020 1:40 PM

To: Toldo, Beth < toldob@citywindsor.ca>

Subject: Re: FW: File: ZNG/6127 Z016-20 1521 Pierre Avenue Request for zoning change

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Thank you Beth.

You can use my message below for the meeting. How will I find out about the decision?

To whom it may concern,

I object to the rezoning application for 1521 Pierre Avenue. Our block cannot support any more on-street parking. There are residents that already have to park along Shephard Street. I realize that there are to be 3 off-alley parking spaces to be provided by the developer, but most family units have two vehicles. The proposed development is for 3 two-bedroom apartments, which increases the likelihood of dual vehicles for each unit. Also, having three more family units on our block increases the vehicles that temporarily park while visiting the residents in the apartments.

Our block cannot support the extra parking and we can't turn into the 1500 block of Gladstone where you have to park on both sides of the street. If we had to do that, it would make it impossible to pull out of our driveways, for those on our block that do have driveways. Parking on both sides of the street also makes it more dangerous for children.

In keeping with the rest of our block, only a single family dwelling should be constructed in the empty lot.


Cheryl Burr