October 13, 2020
Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Item 7.3
Additional Information

From: Shelley Belisle
Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2020 10:06 PM
To: clerks <clerks@citywindsor.ca>
Subject: Comments Regarding ICB Exemption 2020-11

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Dear Standing Committee,

Please DO NOT pass an exemption for Airport Business Park Inc., File # ICB Exemption 2020-11.

Here are a list of reasons why:

-This company has not follow the bylaws since the day it is opened.

- it has caused tremendous DUST, NOISE and LIGHT POLLUTION for the residents in the area. We have to keep our windows closed and have a higher hydro bill because we have to run our air all spring to fall. Our hydro bill has went up at least 25% since the truck lot has arrived!! -We can't even wash our cars or outside furniture without it getting the DUST from the truck lot as soon as we are done washing it.

- We constantly have DUST sentiment in our in-ground pool & we've had to replace a pool filter due to the dust that is coming off of that truck lot. We did not have this before the truck lot came. -We are not sleeping well because of the NOISE pollution from that truck lot. I understood that this lot is zoned for only two storage trailers & they have always had well over that amount & have not been storage. They are constantly moving trailers around.

- The truck lot runs 24/7 with at least 50 trailers & many trucks. There is continuous NOISE pollution coming from this lot. The beeping from the back up alarm, the squeal of the air brakes & the loud, sudden smash as they hook up to trailers at 1, 2, 3, 4 in the morning.

- We are dreading in the colder months when truck drivers start their trucks to warm them up. All we can smell is DIESEL because they're running their trucks right across the road from our house, blaring their music and yelling and screaming to each other at whatever hour of the day.

-We have LED spotlights shooting right through our house, blinding us when walking from our kitchen and out our front door and keeping us awake at night. And we've been dealing with this for over 20 months !!!!

This company has not done anything to follow what the city of Windsor bylaw is and has not helped resolve the residents concerns in the area. Also I understood that as of June there has been a cease operation order on that lot and nothing has stopped yet.