Parks and Landscape Architect

No additional comments from a landscape architectural or Parks perspective. The development will be subject to Site Plan Review at which time Landscape Comments will be addressed.

Should the development be exempt from Site Plan Review then, the required Parkland Dedication representing 5% of the subject lands, to the satisfaction of the Executive Director of Parks, as per By-law 12780 and the Planning Act and Bill 108 will be required at the time of Re-Zoning approval.

Transportation Planning

Overall, Transportation Planning supports the subject Zoning By-law amendment.

  • The Official Plan classifies Pierre Avenue as a Local Road with a required right-of-way width of 20 metres. The exiting right-of-way along the frontage of the subject property is sufficient, and therefore a land conveyance is not required.

  • The minimum required parking spaces under the Zoning By-law 8600 shall be accommodated within private property and shown on a conceptual plan.

  • All accesses shall conform to the TAC Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads and the City of Windsor Standard Engineering Drawings.

  • All exterior paths of travel must meet the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).