Site Plan Control:

Site plan control will apply to the proposed development. Specific design issues or requirements will be considered during site plan review. Recommendation 2 directs the Site Plan Approval Officer to consider comments from City of Windsor – Engineering and Canada Post.

Interim Control By-law 103-2020:

The parcel is subject to Residential Interim Control By-law 103-2020 (RICBL) which prohibits a Group Home, Lodging House, a Shelter, and a dwelling with five or more dwelling units throughout the City of Windsor to allow a land use study to be conducted.

Council Resolution 364/2020 directs that the land use study consider, among other things, residential density. Given the Mixed Use land use designation and existing higher density multiple dwellings along Wyandotte Street East, Planning does not anticipate any conflict between the proposed development and the land use study.

Section 2(1) of B/L 103-2020 exempts a parcel from the provisions of RICBL where an amending by-law to Zoning By-law 8600 to permit a dwelling with five or more dwelling units comes into force on or after January 1, 2017. Should this application be approved, and an amending by-law come into force, the proposed development will be automatically exempt from Interim Control By-law 103-2020. Notwithstanding the automatic exemption, Recommendation 3 confirms that the development will be exempt from Interim Control By-law 103-2020.

Risk Analysis:


Financial Matters:


Comments received from municipal departments and external agencies are attached as Appendix E. There are no objections. Specific requirements such as a site servicing plan, a detailed servicing study report on the impact of the increased flow to the existing municipal sewer system, and a land conveyance along Wyandotte Street East will be handled during the site plan approval process.

Public Notice: Statutory notice will be advertised in the Windsor Star, a local daily newspaper. A courtesy notice was mailed to property owners and residents within 120m of the subject parcel. The Development & Heritage Standing Committee is the public meeting as required by the Planning Act.

Planner’s Opinion:

The Planning Act requires that a decision of Council in respect of the exercise of any authority that affects a planning matter, “shall be consistent with” Provincial Policy Statement 2020. The zoning amendment has been evaluated for consistency with the