CanAm Special Risk Agency (CanAm) was founded in 1994 in Windsor servicing the Canadian marketplace with Travel & Special Risk Insurance Policies. In 1999, David Rivelis, President of CanAm, partnered with another local organization (Cypher Systems Group) thus enabling further growth of the CanAm brand and expanding its product offerings. In 2007, CanAm purchased Active Care Management (ACM) bringing that organization and new jobs to Windsor. At the time of the ACM purchase, ACM employed less than 10 employees. In just over 10 years, ACM/CanAm grew to almost 300 employees who live in the Windsor/Essex County area. In 2018 ACM/CanAm became part of Global Excel Management (GEM) group of companies and remain a privately held Canadian entity. David Rivelis remains as President ACM/CanAm and is also GEM’s President of Global Strategy. In addition to Mr. Rivelis’ role within both organizations all senior managers have strategic, operational & decision-making impact to Windsor and other sites globally. Windsor roots, Global impact.

ACM has been providing worldwide medical and non-medical assistance, medical case management, cost containment services and claims processing to the insurance industry and third-party administrators for almost three decades.

ACM/CanAm are active corporate citizens within the community thru various charitable initiatives and a reciprocal business relationship with St. Clair College.

ACM/CanAm and the Global Excel Management group of companies are one of the largest independent health risk management companies in the world. We have more than 360 clients in 90 countries. Some of these partners are global insurance providers like Manulife Financial, CAA, and large Canadian banks.

Our vision is to transform and simplify access to quality healthcare worldwide. In order to do that we’ve had to transform and change as well, and even now we continue to evolve and adapt. At one of our recent international client conferences, we used the slogan “Rethink, Retool, Refine” and you’ll find this philosophy continuously at work across all our teams. As an organization we try to continually adapt, adjust and improve – internally and externally.


Since 2018, ACM/CanAm have grown in Windsor, from 200+ employees to 300+ employees and our footprint has expanded from one 28,000 square foot building to 2 buildings totaling 56,000 square feet. As we continue to grow our client base we are reaching a breakpoint in our brick & mortar capabilities. Our operational needs require further expansion and our business philosophy includes a close, relationship heavy work environment. As such, our best and only solution is to move into a larger building that can house our current employee base as well as provide continued growth potential.


ACM has extensively researched the Windsor region for a suitable home for our new, World Class, Corporate Office/Head Quarters. Our research included review of several existing Windsor properties, some of which include: