In addition to Windsor, we have researched other cities including but not limited to:

All these properties would include a sizable incurred cost, by ACM/CanAm, to renovate the building, improve the property, upgrade/add technology, add electrical, add network cabling, add redundant fiber optic feeds, add furniture and move our employees, furniture, access controls, & technology to a new, larger location. As we are service provider, additional costs will be incurred in contractor overtime & off-peak time wages to ensure our move is completed with minimal to no impact to our service deliverables.

Our Senior Leadership and Steering Committee have concluded that 3355 Munich Crt. is our preferred choice. The land owner/developer can provide a flexible solution that can meet our current, short-term & long-term needs. In addition, the location provides high visibility and the property provides for a show piece, world class, facility that will benefit our recruiting, employee retention and client growth.

Additionally, although network technology continues to migrate to cloud based services, we, as a global service provider require an infallible infrastructure (redundancies to ensure business continuity) to support our servers, computers and phones. This new location will provide the ability to build an upgraded Data Centre that will act as backup/redundant site in conjunction with other global properties.

The CIP incentives specifically benefit this project as the Munich location would be converted from an Industrial to Commercial location thus affecting a projected tax levy increase. Tax relief provided through the CIP grant make this project economically viable & therefore becomes a catalyst for our growth.


Our service offerings are interactional in nature, people supporting people. As such, we’ve continued to build a dedicated, professional team focused on Medical and Non-Medical Assistance, Medical Case Management, Cost Containment Services, Claims Processing and insurance Sales. In addition, we have in house developers and analysts that comprise our Innovation Group which is engaged by our business operations to ensure ongoing deployment of tools and services to keep pace with client and end user expectations. Our roadmap is focused on creating features which align with our underwriter's objectives and include Portfolio Optimization, Expense Efficiency, Accelerated Growth, Digital Customer Leadership, and a High Performing Team.

We estimate, based on client needs, that our employee headcount will grow to 500+ within the next 5 years. Additionally, as we continue to be an influential leader in our industry, we fully anticipate continued long-term growth (beyond 5 years). All of which will require additional Administrative, Recruiting & Human Resource employees to achieve our projected short and long-term growth. It is also important to note that our workforce is skilled. Ranging from Entry Level Customer Care to Senior Level Management and includes experts in technology, software development, analytics, business management, medical, insurance, project management, infrastructure and a long list of other (non-minimum wage) positions. Finally, we encourage growth from within. This not only helps us with employee retention but also provides for training and growth in our greatest asset and our future leaders.