Appendix C - Comments



Building Department

The Building Code Act, Section 8.(1) requires that a building permit be issued by the chief building official for any construction or demolition of a building. It is strongly recommended that the owner and/or applicant contact the Building Division to determine building permit needs for the proposed project. The City of Windsor Building Division can be reached by phone at 519-255-6267 or through email at

Heritage Planner

This property and it is located on an area of low archaeological potential.

Nevertheless, the Applicant should be notified of the following archaeological precaution:

  1. Should archaeological resources be found during grading, construction or soil removal activities, all work in the area must stop immediately and the City’s Planning & Building Department, the City’s Manager of Cultural Affairs, and the Ontario Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries must be notified and confirm satisfaction of any archaeological requirements before work can recommence.

  2. In the event that human remains are encountered during grading, construction or soil removal activities, all work in that area must be stopped immediately and the site secured. The local police or coroner must be contacted to determine whether or not the skeletal remains are human, and whether the remains constitute a part of a crime scene. The Local police or coroner will then notify the Ontario Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries and the Registrar at the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services if needed, and notification and satisfactory confirmation be given by the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries.


Windsor Planning & Building Department:

519-255-6543 x6179,

Windsor Manager of Cultural Affairs:

Cathy Masterson, 519-253-2300x2724,

Ontario Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries

Archaeology Programs Unit, 1-416-212-8886,

Windsor Police: 911

Ontario Ministry of Government & Consumer Services

Registrar of Burial Sites, War Graves, Abandoned Cemeteries and

Cemetery Closures, 1-416-212-7499,

Enbridge Gas

After reviewing the provided drawing at 1521 Pierre and consulting our mapping system, please note that Enbridge Gas has active infrastructure in the proposed area.

Enbridge Gas requires a minimum separation of 0.3m from all of our plant. Please ensure that this minimum separation requirement is maintained, and that the contractor obtains locates prior to performing any work and utilizes safe excavation practices while performing any work in the vicinity. Also, please note the following should you find any abandoned infrastructure in the area: · Any pipe that is excavated, please assume that it is live.