From: Melanie Bellehumeur
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 2:17 PM
To: clerks <>
Cc: Gignac, Jo-Anne (Councillor) <>
Subject: Development & Heritage Standing Committee 9/21/20 Concerns

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Re: Proposal for Suburban Construction & Management Inc. @ 7887 Edgar St.

Good afternoon, I would like to voice some concerns regarding the proposed 4 storey multiple dwelling bldg. that is proposed for 7887 Edgar. My name is Melanie Bellehumeur & my husband Fred & I live @ 7851 Shorain Grove & have been here for 18+ years.

We have a few issues regarding this proposed development.

First of all the increase in bldg. height to allow a 4 story unit that occupants would be able to look out their balcony & see directly into my back yard is unacceptable. The lack of privacy & the possible depreciation of our property value is a big concern.

Secondly 36 ? additional units in this area of Riverside that already has significant issues in flooding is also a huge concern. 36+ toilets, sinks, washers, showers all adding to the already overwhelmed drainage system in this area is ridiculous. The system can’t handle what we have now, how will it handle all these additional homes?? Also the inevitable amount of trash is also a concern since the overflowing waste bins from the property across the street have already caused an influx of rats in our neighborhood. We along with several other neighbours on this street have already had city personnel out to our homes to address this issue & we have all been told its due to the overflowing trash bins. Now you want to add more???

The other concerns we have are minor but still concerning. Decreasing the front yard depth to 3 metres with open space landscaping decreased is going to put these lower level units almost @ the sidewalk enabling possible increase in crime opportunities in our neighborhood. I’m not really too sure who is going to want to purchase a unit that is almost on the sidewalk & overlooking an overflowing garbage bin or a busy intersection.

This is a very busy & dangerous corner due to the northwest entrance to the small plaza at that corner. There are many close calls for vehicles & pedestrians as people make the turn onto westbound Edgar & others are coming out of the plaza or waiting to get into the plaza & blocking the roadway as they wait for the light to change. The additional traffic @ this corner due to an apartment dwelling access for parking & entrance is going to be another accident waiting to happen.