28 Complying with energy efficiency objectives in upgrades to character-defining doors, windows and storefronts by installing weather-stripping, storm windows, interior shades and, if historically appropriate, blinds and awnings. The energy efficiency of the building envelope and systems as a whole should be considered. Replacing character-defining, multi-paned sashes with new thermal sashes with false muntins.
4 Assessing the condition of entrances, porches and balconies early in the planning process so that the scope of work is based on current conditions.  
8 Stabilizing deteriorated entrances, porches and balconies by structural reinforcement and weather protection, or correcting unsafe conditions, as required, until repair work is undertaken. Removing deteriorated entrances, porches or balconies that could be stabilized or repaired.
9 Repairing parts of entrances, porches or balconies by patching, piecing-in, consolidating, or otherwise reinforcing, using recognized conservation methods. Repair might also include the limited replacement in kind, or with a compatible substitute material, of those extensively deteriorated or missing parts of entrances, porches and balconies. Repairs should match the existing work as closely as possible, both physically and visually.  
11 Replacing in kind extensively deteriorated or missing parts of entrances, porches or balconies where there are surviving prototypes. Replacing an entire functional or decorative element when limited replacement of deteriorated and missing parts is possible. Using a substitute material for the replacement part that neither conveys the same appearance as the surviving element, nor is physically or visually compatible.
12 Testing proposed interventions to establish appropriate replacement materials, quality of workmanship and methodology. This can include, reviewing samples, testing products, methods or assemblies, or creating a mock-up. Testing should be carried out under the same conditions as the proposed intervention.  
13 Documenting all interventions that affect the building's entrances, porches and balconies, and ensuring the documentation is available to those responsible for future interventions.