15 Replacing in kind an irreparable entrance, porch or balcony based on physical and documentary evidence. If using the same materials and design details is not technically or economically feasible, then compatible substitute materials or details may be considered. Removing an irreparable entrance, porch or balcony and not replacing it, or replacing it with a new one that does not convey the same appearance or serve the same function
16 Replacing missing historic features by designing and constructing a new entrance, porch or balcony, based on physical and documentary evidence, or one that is compatible in size, Creating a false historical appearance because the new entrance, porch or balcony is incompatible, or based on insufficient physical and documentary evidence.
17 scale, material, style or colour. Modifying, replacing or designing a new entrance, porch or balcony required by a new use or applicable codes and regulations, in a manner that is compatible with the building's style, era and character. Altering a secondary entrance to give it the appearance of a main entrance. Enclosing a porch or balcony in a manner that has a negative impact on the building's heritage value. Removing character-defining entrances, porches or balconies that are no longer needed for the new use. Constructing an addition that requires the loss of a character-defining entrance, porch, or balcony.
18 Adding new features to meet health, safety and security requirements, such as a new handrail, in a manner that conserves the heritage value of the entrance, porch or balcony and minimizes impact on its character-defining elements. Damaging or destroying an entrance, porch or balcony while making modifications to comply with health, safety and security requirements.
19 Working with code specialists to determine the most appropriate solution to health, safety and security requirements with the least impact on the character-defining elements and overall heritage value of the historic building. Making changes to entrances, porches or balconies without first exploring equivalent systems, methods or devices that may be less damaging to the character- defining elements of the historic building.
20 Exploring all options for modifications to existing entrances, porches and balconies to meet code and regulation requirements, prior to considering removal or replacement. Removing an entrance, porch or balcony that does not comply with codes or regulations, and not replacing it with a compatible new assembly.
23 Respecting the location of existing entrances, and porches when providing new accessibility-related features, such as ramps and lifts. For example, providing new functions for the public on the ground floor, or in areas already served by exits. Relocating a main entrance when undertaking interventions to accommodate accessibility-related features.
24 Exploring all options for modifications to existing entrances, porches and balconies to meet accessibility requirements prior to considering removal or replacement. Removing an entrance, porch or balcony that does not meet accessibility requirements, and not replacing it with a compatible new assembly.
25 Working with accessibility and conservation specialists and users to determine the most appropriate solution to accessibility issues with the least impact on the character-defining elements and overall heritage value of the historic building. Altering character-defining entrances, porches and balconies without consulting the appropriate specialists and users.