The east/west alley connects at a 90-degree angle to a north/south alley between Crawford Avenue and Oak Street, from Montrose Street to Tecumseh Boulevard West as shown as “Part 2”, “Part 3” and “Part 4” on Drawing No. CC-1776. The north/south alley appears to have been narrowed by encroachments and does not appear to be traveled. It is generally comprised of gravel with vegetation growth. The east/west alley appears to have a concrete driveway installed and appears to be used as an extension of the driveway for 1370 Oak St.

The applicants are seeking closure of the portions of alley abutting their property to reduce provide additional parking spaces and to reduce risk of criminal activity.


Planning Department’s analysis of the requested alley closures:

The first test is to determine whether the subject alleys are dispensable. To make such determination the guideline attached herein as Appendix “E” would be relevant as shown below:

  1. Does the subject alley serve commercial properties?

    The answer is NO.

  2. Does the subject alley serve properties fronting on heavily traveled streets i.e. major arterial routes?

    The answer is NO.

  3. Does the subject alley contain sewers, and must the alley remain accessible for servicing?

    The answer is NO.

  4. Does the subject alley serve as the only vehicular means of access to rear parking areas and garages where the property has insufficient lot width for a side drive?

    The answer is NO.

  5. Does the subject alley contain Fire Department connections that are deemed to be necessary for firefighting access?

    The answer is NO.

Based on the above, the Planning Division deems the subject east/west and north/south alleys “dispensable” and supports the requested closure of the area shown as “Part 1”, “Part 2” and the recommended closure of “Part 3” and “Part 4” on Drawing No. CC-