as “Part 2”, “Part 3” and “Part 4” on Drawing No. CC-1776 attached as Appendix “A”, BE CLOSED AND CONVEYED in equal halves to the abutting property owners, and adjusted as necessary, in a manner deemed appropriate by the City Planner subject to the following:

  1. Easement subject to their being accepted in the City’s standard form and in accordance with the City’s standard practice, be granted to:

a. Bell Canada, Enwin Utilities and Enbridge Gas.

Executive Summary:



Richard and Adrienne Chene, owners of the property known as 1370 Oak Street, applied to close the entire portion of the 4.57 metre wide east/west alley located between 1370 Oak Street and 1380 Oak Street and a portion of the 2.13 metre wide north/south alley between Crawford Avenue and Oak Street, between Montrose Street and Tecumseh Boulevard West that abuts their property, as shown as “Part 1” and “Part 2” on Drawing No. CC-1776, attached as Appendix “A.