The subject lands are an appropriate location for residential intensification. The lands are sufficiently sized and located at the corner of a Class II Collector Road and Class I Arterial Road with transit services.

The proposed 4 storey apartment building will have sufficient density to achieve the policy objectives of the OP, and be at a scale and massing that will provide an appropriate transition to the adjacent low density residential uses. The apartment building is proposed to be oriented towards the intersection and away from the adjacent residential uses, with the parking area, parking garage, outdoor amenity area and future fence providing and adequate buffer between the two residential densities. Furthermore, the proposed development is for a four storey apartment building whereas the Medium Profile policies permit development up to 6 stories. The existing CD2.1 zone permits heights up to 14 m.

The proposed development is compatible with adjacent Commercial Corridor lands to the south and north as the policies support a mix of residential and commercial land uses providing vibrancy to the Lauzon Road corridor. The land uses are buffered by a future fence and parking lot to the south and Edgar Street to the north. Adding residential land uses along Lauzon Road will provide a mix of land uses to the area and encourage future residents to use local commercial amenities as per the policies of the OP.

The proposed development is compatible with the surrounding residential and commercial land uses.


The proposed OPA and ZBA application to permit the development of four storey, 36 unit residential apartment building with associated parking at 1135 Lauzon Road, Windsor ON is appropriate. The proposed development conforms to the Residential – Medium Profile policies of the OP and regulations proposed in the Residential District 3.1 Special Provision (RD3.1(X)) zone. The proposed OPA and ZBA applications are consistent with the applicable policies of the PPS and conform to the policies of the City of Windsor OP. The proposed intensification of the subject lands with a Residential – Medium Profile land use is appropriate given the surrounding land uses and public infrastructure, and will have no reasonable negative impacts on surrounding properties.

The OPA and ZBA applications are consistent with the PPS and conforms to the City of Windsor OP. The applications represent good planning and are in the public interest.