A Natural Site Features Inventory & Preservation Study has been completed in support of the proposed applications in accordance with this policy. Detailed landscape plans will be required through the Site Plan application.


Council may require proponents of development and infrastructure undertakings to submit an inventory of trees on site and prepare and implement a tree conservation and replacement plan.

A Natural Site Features Inventory & Preservation Study has been completed in support of the proposed applications in accordance with this policy. Detailed landscape plans will be required through the Site Plan application.


Council shall require the proponent of development in proximity to existing or proposed sources of noise and vibration, or the proponent of development that may be a source of noise or vibration, to evaluate the potential negative impacts of such noise and vibration on the proposed future land use. In determining the exact distances for the application of this policy, the Municipality shall have regard to provincial legislation, policies and appropriate guidelines.

A Noise Study has been completed in support of the proposed applications in accordance with this policy. The Noise Study provided various recommendations that will be included as a condition of Site Plan approval.


If a proposed development is expected to be subject to noise or vibration, or to cause noise or vibration, the proponent shall be required to complete a noise and/or vibration study to the satisfaction of the Municipality to support the feasibility of the proposal in accordance with the Procedures chapter of this Plan.

A Noise Study has been completed in support of the proposed applications in accordance with this policy. The Noise Study provided various recommendations that will be included as a condition of Site Plan approval.


Council shall require that appropriate noise and/or vibration abatement measures be implemented by the proponent as a condition of development approval.

A Noise Study has been completed in support of the proposed applications in accordance with this policy. The Noise Study provided various recommendations that will be included as a condition of Site Plan approval. 

May 2020