
The City will require applicants to document previous uses of a property or properties that are subject of a planning application and/or properties that may adversely impact a property or properties that are subject of a planning application in order to assist in the determination of the potential for site contamination.

A Record of Site Condition (“RSC”) will be completed through the Site Plan process in accordance with Ontario Regulations.


Where a change to a more sensitive property use (as defined in Ontario Regulation 153/04) is proposed, a mandatory filing of a Record of Site Condition is triggered in accordance with provincial legislation. The Record of Site Condition must be filed prior to the issuance of a building permit.

A Record of Site Condition (“RSC”) will be completed through the Site Plan process in accordance with Ontario Regulations. 


For the purpose of this Plan, Development Profile refers to the height of a building or structure. Accordingly, the following Development Profiles apply to all land use designations on Schedule D: Land Use unless specifically provided elsewhere in this Plan:

(b) Medium Profile developments are buildings or structures generally no greater than six (6) storeys in height.

The proposed development is four storeys in height and conforms to the Medium Profile requirements of policy


Residential development shall be located where:

(a) there is access to a collector or arterial road;

The subject lands are bounded by a Class II Collector Road and Class I Arterial Road.

(b) full municipal physical services can be provided;

Full municipal services can be provided to the subject lands.

(c) adequate community services and open spaces are available or are planned; and,