Although the final sale price of the units are unknown at this time, wood framed medium density residential apartments are typically a more affordable housing option than single and semi-detached units. The proposed development will add additional affordable housing options to the City of Windsor.


Council shall endeavor to maintain at least a three year supply of draft approved and registered residential lots and blocks in order to meet anticipated short term housing demands.

The proposed applications will assist Council in achieving this policy.


Council shall maintain at least a ten year supply of land designated for residential development to meet anticipated long term housing demands.

The proposed applications will assist Council in achieving this policy.


Council shall promote development patterns that support an increase in walking, cycling and public transportation in accordance with the Land Use and Urban Design chapters of this Plan.

The proposed development has access to two transit lines, two public sidewalks and a Bikeway along Edgar Street. The subject lands are an appropriate location for Medium Profile Residential land uses that will encourage alternative forms of transportation. Positioning the building towards the intersection will help frame Edgar Street and Lauzon Road.


Council shall recognize the link between land use and transportation systems by:

(a) Focusing office development and high-density employment and high density residential in areas which have access to transit and pedestrian amenities;

The subject lands are an appropriate location for higher density residential land uses. The subject lands have access to two transit lines, and pedestrian sidewalks along Edgar Street and Lauzon Road. The surrounding area is made up of various commercial, institutional and parkland provide convenient access to future residents.