The subject lands are not adjacent to or contain any heritage resources.

(b) in keeping with the goals, objectives and policies of any secondary plan or guideline plan affecting the surrounding area;

The lands are not subject to any secondary plan.

(c) compatible with the surrounding area in terms of scale, massing, height, siting, orientation, setbacks, parking and amenity areas;

The subject lands are an appropriate location for residential intensification. The lands are sufficiently sized and located at the corner of a Class II Collector Road and Class I Arterial Road with transit services. The proposed 4 storey apartment building will have sufficient density to achieve the policy objectives of the OP, and be at a scale and massing that will provide an appropriate transition to the adjacent low density single and semi-detached units. The apartment building is proposed to be oriented towards the intersection and away from the adjacent residential uses, with the parking area, parking garage, outdoor amenity area and future fence providing and adequate buffer between the two densities. The parking lot will further provide a buffer to the adjacent commercial uses to the south.

The proposed development is for a four storey apartment building whereas the Medium Profile policies permit development up to 6 stories. The proposed development is compatible with the surrounding residential and commercial land uses.

(d) provided with adequate off street parking;

Off-street parking is provided in accordance with Zoning By-law 8600.

(e) capable of being provided with full municipal physical services and emergency services; and

The subject lands are on full municipal and emergency services.

(f) facilitating a gradual transition from Low Profile residential development to Medium and/or High profile development and vice versa, where appropriate.

The proposed apartment building is positioned towards the intersection away from the adjacent Low Profile residential development. The proposed apartment building is 4 stories in height and is an appropriate transition.


Council shall encourage the provision of affordable and social assisted housing.