Development & Heritage Committee Meeting 10,
August , 2020


See Items 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3.


7.1 Z-005/20 [ZNG/6052] – Corporation of the City of Windsor 1847 Meldrum & 3121 Milloy – Rezoning Ward 5

Planner Justina Nwaesei, Planner III – Subdivisions

Ms Nwaesei provides summary and background information of the report presented.

Johnnie Nantais notes concerns over parking for the area and lot sizes. Gives suggestion to provide for 5 houses on either side with parking lot in centre. Suggestion can be given during SPC stage.

Councillor Sleiman addresses concerns of area residents regarding on-street parking availability, the reduction of on-street parking due to the proposed development, radius size of cul-de-sac and green space. Ms. Nwaesei addresses the questions regarding Zoning By-law requirements (ie. On-site parking requirements). Patrick Winters confirms radius of cul-de-sac is 9.5m as standard and sufficient for Fire and Waste collection. Other inquiries to be addressed through Site Plan Control.

Councillor Sleiman inquires about current zoning of site and lot width. Ms. Nwaesei advises the current zoning is RD1.1, residential which allows for 50ft lots. The rezoning application is for RD1.2, allowing 40ft lots which matches the existing residential area.

Member Moore has concern over dead end at cul-de-sac and suggests the street head eastward for greater access and manoeuverability. Mr. Winters advises the preference is to leave as proposed. Had the street been longer, then an alternate access would be deemed appropriate.

Member Moore also inquires whether the Storm Water Management is included with the proposed development. Mr. Winters confirms is it necessary in order to address the recent updates/changes to standards given the increased rainfall the area has been exposed to.

Moved by: Councillor Sleiman

Seconded by: Councillor Holt

Decision Number: DHSC 187

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