Appendix “C” – Consultations Table

Agency Comments
Fire and Rescue Services No concerns from WFRS.
Windsor Police Services The Windsor Police Service has no objections to the requested closure as the outcome from it will not impair the ability of the police to patrol or respond to incidents in the area.
Planning – Landscape Architect Planning Department Landscape Architect defers to Parks Department as this issue has been reviewed extensively by the City Naturalist with respect to the encroachment into the Natural Parkland of the Spring Garden Natural Area. The landscape architect supports any provisions required by Parks to ensure that the natural area is maintained and preserved.
Parks & Facilities I have consulted with Mike Clement and we would ask that a condition be added that the residents fence off their new property lines.This particular area of Spring Garden Natural Area is home to many species of risk, in particular the Butler’sGartersnake. Last year the Parks department moved play equipment out of this area in order to provide better protection for this and other rare species.We have conducted door-to-door as well as in person outreach and education efforts to the area residents but continue to experience persistent encroachment, including extensive mowing and tree planting, which are harmful to the habitat we are trying to protect. We would feel more comfortable if fences were required to be in place. –Karen Cedar