Public Works – Engineering The alley is approximately 4.6m (15ft) wide, and appears to be composed of mainly grass and bush. There are no sewers conveying through the alley, although storm sewers are available just west of the subject alley at the end of Emilia Road. It appears that properties 3180 and 3156 Fazio have fences encroaching into the subject alley. As a result, a portion of these property’s backyards are encroaching as well.The Northwest portion of the subject lands appears to have been developed by the surrounding homeowner 3180 Fazio. There are no maintenance concerns with the potential closure of this alley. This alley serves no useful purpose by CR146/2005; therefore we have no objections to the closure of this alley.
Public Works – Environmental No concerns from Environmental Services.
Public Works – Transportation A 20.1 m right of way is required for Emilia Road to support any future development south of Fazio. It will be required for road, sidewalk & utilities as well as maintaining adequate sightlines.Support closing the area along the south alleyway, but not on the west side of 3180 Fazio (Emilia Road)Also, closing the alley will affect access to 2 privately owned parcels east of the closure (fronting Gratiot Street)Mike Spagnuolo – Traffic Operations
Transit Windsor No response received.
Bell Canada Bell Canada requests an easement over the entire alley, or 3m wide, 1.5 on either side of the buried facilities. A cable locate may be necessary to find precise location.
Cogeco Connexion No easement required for Cogeco Connexion.
Canada Post No concerns.
Rogers Communications No response received.