C.1 Current Official Plan Designations and Corresponding Policies Review

The current Official Plan designations along the University Avenue West and Wyandoe Street West corridors are shown on the map above. The Official Plan designations within the study area include Residential, Mixed Use, Commercial Corridor, Open Space, Industrial, and Major Institutional. Along both corridors, most of the properties are identified as Mixed Use. Uses permied in the Mixed Use land use designation include retail and service commercial establishments, offices, cultural, recreation and entertainment uses, and institutional, open space and residential uses, exclusive of small scale Low Profile residential development. Some sections of the two corridors are occupied by properties designated as Residential. As indicated in the corresponding policies for Residential land use designation, Low, Medium and High Profile dwelling units are allowed in such designation.

Residential land use designation, Low, Medium and High Profile dwelling units are allowed in such designation.  

Both Ernest Atkinson Park and Wilson Park are identified as Open Space by the Official Plan. On University Avenue West, there is a cluster of properties designated as Major Institutional between Sunset Avenue and California Avenue. On Wyandotte Street West, a large area of land designated as Industrial can be found between Wellington Avenue and Crawford Avenue.