C.2 Current Zoning Review

The map above delineates the current zoning categories along University Avenue West and Wyandotte Street West. As suggested by the map, there is a variety of zoning categories in the study area. Residential Districts, Commercial Districts, Green Districts, Manufacturing Districts, and Institutional Districts are all present along the two corridors. In the study area, the most frequently appearing zoning category is CD 2.2 (Commercial District 2.2). According to Zoning By-law 8600, some of the permitted uses for properties zoned as CD 2.2 include Bakery, Business Office, Child Care Centre, Commercial School, Confectionery, Food Outlet- Take-Out, Funeral Establishment, Medical Office, Micro-Brewery, Personal Service Shop, Place of Entertainment and Recreation,

Place of Worship, Professional Studio, Public Hall, Repair Shop – Light, Restaurant, Retail Store, Veterinary Office, and Wholesale Store.