The lands are designated “Commercial Corridor” according to Schedule “D” Land Use attached to the OP for the City of Windsor (see Figure 3 – City of Windsor OP, Schedule “D”).

Figure 3 – City of Windsor OP, Schedule “D”

The lands are located on the southside of Tecumseh Road East which is considered a “Mainstreet” according to Schedule “G”, Civic Image.

The Site is outside the nearby Regional Commercial Centre according to Schedule “J”, Urban Structure Plan.

It is proposed to amend the land use designation for the Site to allow residential uses.

The following provides a summary of the key policy considerations of the OP as it relates to the proposed development.

OP Policy # Policy Response Encouraging a range of housing types will ensure that people have an opportunity to live in their neighbourhoods as they pass through the various stages of their lives. The proposed residential development supports one of the City’s overall development strategies of providing for a range of housing types.