PPS Policy # Policy Response
  quality, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and preparing for the impacts of a changing climate through land use and development patterns. an existing built-up area of the City.The Site has access to transit and local amenities.
2.1.1 Natural features and areas shall be protected for the long term. There is no negative impact on the existing natural features.
2.2.1 Planning authorities shall protect, improve or restore the quality and quantity of water. Existing utilized.services will be
2.6.1 Significant built heritage resources and significant cultural heritage landscapes shall be conserved. There are no heritage resources that apply to this Site.
3.0 Development shall be directed away from areas of natural or human-made hazards where there is an unacceptable risk to public health or safety or of property damage, and not create new or aggravate existing hazards. There are no natural human-made hazards.or

Therefore, the proposed development is consistent with the PPS and the Province’s vision for long-term prosperity and social well-being.

5.1.2 Official Plan (OP)

The City of Windsor Official Plan (OP) was adopted by Council on October 25, 1999, approved in part by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) on March 28, 2000 and the remainder approved by the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) on November 1, 2002. Office consolidation version is dated September 7, 2012.

The OP implements the PPS and establishes a policy framework to guide land use planning decisions related to development and the provision of infrastructure and community services throughout the City.

The lands are designated “Low Potential” according to Schedule “C.1”, Development Constraint Areas, Archaeological Potential.