OP Policy #




the established character of the neighbourhood, using streetscaping elements such as special lighting, landscaping, paving stones, street furniture, public art and other complementary features and fixtures;

(b) protecting and enhancing significant views and vistas along public rights-of-way;

(c) protecting and enhancing heritage resources;

(d) encouraging the provision of building and streetscaping elements that provide shelter from inclement weather, where appropriate; and

(e) encouraging signage which enhances the character of the Mainstreet.

There is appropriate parking, sidewalks and lighting.

There are no building design changes, therefore there is no character change to the Mainstreet.

For the purpose of this Plan, heritage resources include built heritage resources and cultural heritage landscapes that Council has identified as being important to the community.

Archaeological assessment is not required for this Site.

Therefore, the proposed development conforms to the City of Windsor OP, subject to an amendment to the OP to facilitate the proposed development.

5.1.3 Zoning By ‐ law (ZBL)

The City of Windsor Zoning By-Law (ZBL) #8600 was passed by Council on July 8, 2002 and then a further Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) decision issued on January 14, 2003.

A ZBL implements the PPS and the City OP by regulating the specific use of property and provide for its day-to-day administration.

According to Map 11 attached to the ZBL the Site is currently zoned Commercial District 2.1 (CD2.1) category (see Figures 4 – City of Windsor Zoning Map 11).