Figure 4 – City of Windsor Zoning Map 11

A site specific zoning exception is required for the Site as the proposed residential use is not permitted in the CD2.1 zone category.

It is proposed to change the zoning of the Site from the existing “Commercial District 2.1 (CD2.1)” zoning to a site specific “Commercial District 2.1 (CD2.1 - XX)” with the addition of residential as a permitted use in the form of a Multiple Dwelling with seven (7) units.

A review of the CD2.1 zone provisions, as set out in Section 15.1 of the ZBL are as follows:

Zone Regulations Proposed CD2.1 (Section 15.1) Required Proposed Compliance
Permitted Uses See 15.1.1 for full list See 15.1.1 for full list, andMultiple Dwelling ‐ 7 units To be included in the site specific zoning amendment
Building Height Maximum 14m Existing Existing
Gross Floor Area N/A N/A N/A