To: The City of Windsor Community Heritage Fund

Dear Sirs/Madams,

We want to thank you for the professional assistance we received from The City of Windsor Community Heritage Fund last year when we applied for a grant of $ 16.000 for the restoration of all five domes of our church. This amount approved in City of Windsor Council Meeting in September 16, 2019 was a very good start for our small community to begin to organize the fundraising in order to achieve our goal of $ 80.000, the cost of our restoration project.

Unfortunately, we were not able to estimate the entire costs that are involved with the application for a building permit We learned that it was necessary to obtain the drawings and a report from a structural engineer confirming the inspection of the structure of the five domes and the state of their structural integrity. We have obtained quotations from two companies and the lowest was $ 21,357.

This additional expense exceeds our fund raising abilities at this time, given that we have raised a substantial amount in the recent months to cover the actual repair costs for the roof and domes beyond the amount of your previous grant We request an additional grant to cover the cost of the drawings and the report from a structural engineer that is required as a condition for issuing a building permit.

Our community is grateful for all the help received from the City of Windsor Community Heritage Fund and we appreciate the efforts made to keep our church in the multicultural landscape of our city. Thank you very much!

If you have any questions, we would be pleased to meet with you at your convenience.

Yours Truly,

Rev. Fr. Nicolae Codrea