February 13, 2020

The Corporation of the City of Windsor
Planning & Building Department, Planning Division
350 City Hall Square West
Suite 210
Windsor, Ontario
N9A 6S1

Attention: Thom Hunt City Planner/Executive Director

Request for Relief from Interim Control By-Law Number 78-2019

2650 Metcalfe Street

City of Windsor

On June 3, 2019, City Council passed By-Law Number 78-2019 (”Interim Control By-Law”) which imposed Interim Control on Transport Terminals. 4207785 Canada Inc. is formally requesting relief from By-Law Number 78-2019 to permit an existing transport terminal as a continued main use at 2650 Metcalfe Street.

The transport terminal was a main use on the subject site in advance of the passing of By-Law Number 78-2019, and as such should not conflict with the general purpose and intent of the Interim Control By-Law.

Included with this letter is a Planning Justification Report prepared by Dillon Consulting Limited which details the subject site, the current operations, and applicable planning policy that relates to the current uses on the subject site. We have currently applied for Site Plan Control and are working with the City of Windsor to obtain Site Plan Control approval.

Yours sincerely,



cc: Melissa Gasic - City of Windsor Site Plan Control Officer