



Fire and Rescue Services


Windsor Police Services

The Windsor Police Service fully supports the closure being requested in order to complete details associated with a future subdivision development. Specifically, the outcome from the closure of this particular alley will ultimately lead to the creation of a public roadway, a feature that will facilitate proper police emergency response capability and general patrol activities to the area once it is developed. For all these reasons, the Windsor Police Service supports the requested closure.

Planning – Landscape Architect

Following a brief conversation with the applicant, the closure is related to a subdivision application previously discussed. That Applicant has provided a tree inventory with the previous application, and the City Forester and City Naturalist have both inspected the site with no concerns on Species at Risk or trees of significant nature. The applicant plans to retain as many of the trees in the hedge row within the site, however that is a condition by MNRF as found in the Subdivision Agreement. Therefore, no Objection from a Landscape Architectural perspective

Parks & Facilities


Public Works – Engineering

The subject alley is to be closed to create a new section of Florence Avenue right-of-way. Public Works has no concerns.

Public Works – Environmental

No concerns from Environmental Services.

Public Works – Transportation

The alley shown is required as part of the Florence ROW. The alley can be closed on the condition of approval as part of a concurrent Plan of Subdivision application. Florence is classified as a C2 Collector and a 22m ROW should be maintained.

Transit Windsor


Bell Canada

Bell Canada has no concerns with SAA/6063.

Cogeco Cable Systems Inc.


Canada Post


Rogers Communications


Telus Communications

TELUS has no infrastructure in the area of your proposed work. Permit expires six(6) months from approval date.


MNSi does not require an easement through the properties associated with this alley/ROW closing.

EnWin Utilities – Hydro

Hydro Engineering: No Objection, provided clearances are achieved and maintained from our distribution plant.

Please note ENWIN has the following distribution around the development property: 1) underground 120/240V secondary street light distribution along the north side of the development property