An acceptable clearance must be maintained from our existing conductors to the proposed development area. Please refer to the Ontario Building Code for adequate clearance requirements. We also recommend referring to the Occupational Health & Safety Act for the minimum safe limits of approach during construction.

Sketch attached for reference only. This attachment does not replace the need for utility locates.

Windsor Utilities – Water

No Objections.

Union Gas

After reviewing the provided drawing at Wyandotte St E and Florence and consulting our mapping system, please note that Enbridge Gas has no active infrastructure in the proposed area. A PDF drawing has been attached for reference.

Also, please note the following should you find any abandoned infrastructure in the area:

  • • Any pipe that is excavated, please assume that it is live

  • • If during the course of any job, any pipe is found that is not on the locate sheet and is in conflict with your work, please call our emergency number (1-877-969-0999), and one of our Union Gas representatives will respond to determine if that plant is in fact live or dead

  • • Please note that our Enbridge Gas representative will respond to the live or dead call within 1-4 hours, so please plan your work accordingly

Legal Department

Regarding the North/South alley for lands abutting DRD1.1 $1.00 plus deed preparation fee and proportionate share of the survey cost as invoiced to The Corporation of the City of Windsor by an Ontario Land Surveyor.

For the remnant piece of the east/west alley, being Part 1 on 12R-25749, $1.00 plus deed preparation fee. No survey cost should be allocated for this remnant piece as it will be identified on the survey for the north/south alley.