Legal Provisions:

Part IV, 39 (1) of the Ontario Heritage Act provides that “The council of a municipality may pass by-laws providing for the making of a grant or loan to the owner of a property designated under this Part for the purpose of paying for the whole or any part of the cost of alteration of such designated property on such terms and conditions as the council may prescribe.”

The City’s Community Heritage Fund (reserve fund 157) exists to encourage the conservation of the built heritage through the provision of financial assistance to owners wishing to acquire and/or conserve designated heritage properties. The policies for Community Heritage Fund grants are outlined on the City website. This fund is limited to designated properties, and generally for heritage attributes listed in the designation by-law.

Official Plan Policy:

The Windsor Official Plan includes (, “Council will manage heritage resources by: (e) providing support and encouragement to organizations and individuals who undertake the conservation of heritage resources by private means”.

Risk Analysis:

The risk of taking no action for this property is the potential loss of the heritage attributes due to age and water intrusion. For the Community Heritage Fund, no City funds will be expended until the project is determined by the Planning and Building Services Department to be complete according to good heritage practices. The Building Permit application will help ensure that the structural condition and technical details of the repairs are employed to good heritage standards, prior to disbursement of the funds.

Financial Matters:

Community Heritage Fund guidelines include "As a general principle, awards will be limited to a maximum of $50,000 unless the DHSC (Development & Heritage Standing Committee) so recommends and Council approves." The award from the Community Heritage Fund will generally be given according to the following formula: Grant: 15 percent of the award in the form of a grant & Low Cost Loan: 85 percent of the award”.

"A minimum of two cost estimates, based on specifications approved by the DHSC and the Commissioner of Building & Development Services, shall be obtained by the owner for all restoration work to be done.” The estimates will be reviewed to ensure that all work specified is covered. The lower bid will usually be recommended for funding."

The dome repair work (installation of an underlayment and zinc cladding) was previously quoted at $80,004 without consideration of the necessity of a Building Permit. The Church then had only requested for, and was approved a 20% support at $16,000 from the City for this cost (CR 499/2019).

Since the Building Permit was determined to be necessary, the Church has sought multiple quotes for services to fulfill Building Permit requirements, but only received two quotes. The combination quote of $21,357 inclusive of HST for services by High Standard Installation Ltd. and Vertical Engineering Ltd. to fulfill Building Permit