Moved by R. Haidar, seconded by D. Ableser,

That the 2020 Children’s Art Exchange MOVE FORWARD and that Administration BE REQUESTED to report back on the feasibility of creating a Virtual Children’s Art Exchange for 2020.

4.3 Update regarding Possible Twin City Posts

S. Gebauer indicates at the February 26, 2020 meeting, the IRC was provided with photos of “Sister City Posts” located in Los Angeles and San Francisco. There was discussion on the possibility of erecting something similar on the City Hall Campus, which would display the names of our twin cities. The Parks and Traffic Departments were consulted on the potential of designing and creating the Twin City Post and an estimate of $14,000 was quoted.

J. Barycki requests that a preliminary design of the Twin City post be provided.

Moved by J. Barycki, seconded by S. Spagnuolo,

That Administration BE REQUESTED to provide a rendering of the Twin City Post for consideration by the International Relations Committee.

4.4 Twin Cities with the Corporation of the City of Windsor

Moved by Councillor Kaschak, seconded by Councillor Sleiman,

That the “Twin Cities with the Corporation of the City of Windsor” document BE RECEIVED.


5.4     E-mails from Krzysztof Stanowski, Director International Centre & Daniel Gorbaczyk, Lublin, Poland regarding the LGBT+ Community

The Chair reports an e-mail from an individual in Toronto was received by the Mayor and City Council regarding discriminating policies in Lublin.

J. Barycki states the allegations are not true and he refers to the statement from Krzysztof Stanowski, Director International Centre.

In response to a question asked by D. Ableser regarding if a response was sent to the complainant, the Chair indicates he is not aware of a response being sent.