Business Items

4.1 Medical Supplies for Changchun, China

The Chair indicates although medical supplies were ordered to be sent to Changchun, China due to COVID-19, it was determined that the supplies would remain in the City of Windsor and be distributed to the city’s frontline workers.

The City of Changchun contacted the City of Windsor in April 2020 with an offer to send 20,000 medical masks and to absorb the costs associated with the International shipping. A logistics company was contacted to determine if they could help facilitate the delivery of the masks however, the masks that they had available did not meet Canadian standards.

A similar situation arose with Guro, South Korea, (not one of our twin cities) who offered to send 10,000 non-surgical masks, which were not acceptable due to the types of masks available.

Moved by Councillor Sleiman, seconded by R. Haidar,

That the verbal update provided by the Chair regarding the purchase of medical supplies for Changchun, China due to COVID-19 and the decision to distribute the supplies to the City of Windsor frontline workers BE RECEIVED.

4.2   2020 Children’s Art Exchange

S. Gebauer states our contact in Gunsan, South Korea inquired about the 2020 Children’s Art Exchange and asked that if the City of Windsor decided not to host the event this year, if we would consider sending children’s artwork as they are planning to hold their exhibition at the end of this year.

S. Gebauer expresses concern that the children’s art could be collected, however, due to COVID-19, and the fact that many of our City facilities are currently closed, finding a space to display the drawings would be a challenge and we would have to get creative.

R. Haidar suggests collecting children’s art and placing it on a multimedia video to share withe the community and with our twin cities, which would demonstrate the sister city relationships and that we’re all in this together.

D. Ableser proposes the IRC work with Communications to undertake a 3D video.

S. Gebauer to contact Communications and to report back to the IRC.

International Relations Committee Meeting Minutes