to Drouillard Road. A two (2) metre wide landscaped boulevard is proposed to act as a buffer along the eastern property line between the subject site and the exisƟng commercial and residenƟal uses located to the east of the site, along Drouillard Road.

In March 2019, the applicant submiƩed a Site Plan Control approval applicaƟon package to the City of Windsor to formally establish the transport terminal use on the site upon receipt of a NoƟce of Non-Compliance. The applicant, with the assistance of Dillon ConsulƟng Limited, is currently working through the approvals process.

Lawfully existing transport terminals are able to operate as they exist provided they meet the Zoning By-law requirements. The transport terminal at the subject site is considered a permiƩed use under the Zoning By-law in the MD2.1 Zone. Industrial uses are permiƩed in the MD2.1 Zone. The Zoning By-law Section 3.10 defines Industrial Use as:

  1. One or more main use identified as an Industrial activity in Section 3.10

  2. One or more of the following main uses:

    Automobile Collision Shop

    Automobile Detailing Service

    Automobile Repair Garage



    Contractor’s Office

    Medical Appliance Facility

    Repair Shop – Heavy

    Research and Development Facility


    Welding Shop

    Wholesale Store

  3. One or more of the following activities as a main use:








The Zoning By-law SecƟon 3.10 defines Transport Terminal as:

TRANSPORT TERMINAL is an industrial acƟvity and means premises used to dispatch, park, repair, service, or store freight-carrying trucks and trailers including a transport truck and a transport