trailer, and may include as an accessory use, the loading or unloading of goods or freight to or from, or transferring of goods or freight between, said trucks and trailers. A truck transportaƟon facility or truck terminal is a transport terminal. A loading compound, motor vehicle dealership, outdoor storage yard, parking area, or towing facility is not a transport terminal.

Since the Transport Terminal is defined as an ‘industrial acƟvity’ in SecƟon 3.10 of the Zoning By-Law and is provided as a sub-definiƟon of ‘Industrial Use’, it is a permiƩed use in the MD2.1 Zone. On June 3, 2019, the City of Windsor passed Interim Control By-law 78-2019 which restricts the establishment of trucking terminals on lands located within the Manufacturing District 1 (MD1.) and Manufacturing District 2 (MD2.) under Zoning By-law 8600 and within any Industrial Zone (M1) including Defined Area M1-11 and Defined Area M1-15 in Zoning By-law 85-18 in the City of Windsor. Through discussion with the City of Windsor, it has been requested that the applicant apply for an exempƟon from the Interim Control By-law to permit the transport terminal on the site. As a result, exempƟon from the Interim Control By-law 78-2019 is required on the subject site to conƟnue operaƟons

Refer to Figure 4.0 – ExisƟng Site Plan.