June 8, 2020
Item 7.1
Additional InformationFrom: Nikki van Oirschot
Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2020 4:51 PM
To: Nwaesei, Justina <jnwaesei@citywindsor.ca></jnwaesei@citywindsor.ca>
Cc: Robyn Perkins <councillor.perkins@caldwellfirstnation.ca>; Councillor Stan Scott <councillor.scott@caldwellfirstnation.ca>; Councillor Steve Simpson Sr <councillor.simpson@caldwellfirstnation.ca>; Councillor James Peters <councillor.peters@caldwellfirstnation.ca>; ea@caldwellfirstnation.ca; Tammy Jolicoeur <tammy.jolicoeur@caldwellfirstnation.ca>
Subject: RE: Invitation to Engage and Consult with Caldwell First Nation Community on a Planning Act matter

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Hi Justina,

Pursuant to our telephone call yesterday, I wish to advise you that Caldwell First Nation Council does not, at this time, have any concerns with the proposed project. They would request, however, that there be consideration for Caldwell Archaeological Monitors to be utilized in the event that arch excavation is required and that any artifacts be returned to Caldwell following any lab work/testing. Should there be more than one First Nation requesting same, we would be ok with discussing with them how it would transpire such that all parties are satisfied with the outcome.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Miigwech (Thank you),

Nikki van Oirschot “Mashkawizii Nendamowin Kwe” (she/her)

Director of Operations

Caldwell First Nation