June 8, 2020
Item 7.1
Additional InformationFrom: Judy Dunbar
Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2020 11:10 AM
To: clerks <clerks@citywindsor.ca>; Mckenzie, Kieran <kmckenzie@citywindsor.ca>
Subject: Baseline Road letter

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P. Barry Dunbar

Judith Dunbar

June 4, 2020.

City Clerk’s Office


Re: Development & Heritage Standing Committee

Amendment to zoning by-law 8600 and by-law 85-18

File # ZNG/5980 Z-020-19

I am resident on Baseline Road. The neighbourhood and homeowners have concerns regarding the proposed amendment to zoning bylaw 8600 and bylaw 85-18

- Residential privacy - A four story hotel impedes on the homeowners privacy into their yards.

- A proposed 4 lane roundabout that will increase traffic significantly on the class B tar road with ditches, no street lights and no sidewalks for residents and families to safely walk along.

- Where will the hotel’s storm sewer be located and where does it discharge? Will the current storm water system be able to receive additional water without causing flooding?

- Why does a private, commercial development require the 58 homes on one block to bear the cost of a new sewer and hookup?

- Many residents have been affected economically by the impact of Covid-19 and adding this significant cost to families will pose a major financial challenge.