Re: Result of Fujisawa Mayoral Election Held on February 16, 2020 


Dear Person in Charge of Twin Cities Relations: 

Due to the expiration of the term of office, Fujisawa mayoral election was held on February 16, 2020. We would like to inform you that the incumbent mayor, Mr. Tsuneo Suzuki has been re-elected in the mayoral election.

Title of his office Full name Term of office (the third term)
Mayor of Fujisawa Tsuneo Suzuki

From February 26, 2020

until February 25, 2024



Katsuhiro Nishiyama 

Manager of Human and Gender Rights Promotion Division with Peace Affairs Policy Planning Department Fujisawa City Hall 

Address: 1.1 Asahi-cho, Fujisawa Kanagawa, Japan, 251.8601

Phone: 81-466-50-3501

Fax: 81-466-50-8436
